Tuesday, May 26, 2009


The Dugong lives in S. Pacific and Indian Ocean waters. Feeding on seagrass beds, they live close to shores, of course making it more vulnerable to fishing and boating accidents as a leading cause of death.

You might think 'those are just manatees!' You'd be wrong. They are very closely related (same order), however there are 3 species of manatee and 1 species of dugong in that order. Like manatees, they are often called 'sea cows' as well as 'sea pigs' and 'sea camels.' The word "Dugong," however, comes from the Malay word "Duyong" meaning "lady of the sea." Interesting, considering manatees were thought to be mermaids. Seems like people all over the world think animals in this order are first beautiful and feminine, then under closer inspection, find them ugly. They're gentle giants and would do you no harm. Unless you are a bed of seagrass.

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