Thursday, May 7, 2009

Red Panda.

So red pandas (or if you prefer: poonya, firefox, wah, lesser panda, Himalayan raccoon, etc.) are not actually related to giant pandas. Well, I guess they're both mammals. But they were actually named first -- in their native, their name meas 'bear cat' because of its simalarities to bears and cats. "Panda" itself actually comes from "poonya" meaning bamboo eater. Which is why giant pandas are also called pandas. They eat bamboo.

These guys, as you might guess are related to raccoons, foxes, that sort of thing.

These pictures were taken here in DC so if you want to see them, they're right by the main entrance. I encourage you to go see them. Otherwise, you find them in China.

Their best feature: Their paws are pointing inwards (think: pigeon-footed). It's pretty cute.

Oh and just to put it over the top, watch this (I watched this without sound so I apologize if there's annoying sound or whatever -- I didn't screen for that):

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