Thursday, May 14, 2009

Flying Fox.

Flying foxes are a genus with several species -- all in the bat family. You might know them better as fruit bats. I have been asked before "do fruit bats ever bite people?" Yes and no. They probably could. They do have mouth and teeth. But their diet is pretty strictly pollen, fruit, nectar... that sort of thing. So you're safe. Unless you're filled with nectar.

So while people are frightened by bats, these bats aren't so bad. They're just tryin' to get by just like you and me.

Also, unlike other types of bats, these bats do not use echolocation. They have good visual and aural sensing abilities and can rely on that. Since the things they eat aren't found in caves, there is significantly more light in these bats environments. You can find them in the tropics and sub-tropics in places like India, Australia, China, Indonesia and some islands in the Pacific.

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