Friday, June 12, 2009

Musk Ox.

Musk oxen are found around the artic regiosn of Canada, Greenland and US (Alaska). Though they are named oxen, they are more closely related to sheep and rams than to other ox species. One of the first things you notice is its hair. Man is that thing shaggy. When all is said and done, they typically weigh about 250 pounds -- not quite as much as you'd guess. That hair fools you. And keeps them warm. They travel in herds - male and female live together throughout the winter.

Then comes mating season (august). The males become instantly aggressive and compete the bulls fight off one another until one is left in a herd. The losers of these battles will join others who lost to form a herd of up to 10 to travel with in the tundra. And you don't want to mess with them. They are extremely aggressive and will charge anything, from birds to trees to small mammals. They also smell terrible (their 'musk'). This attracts females.

Another interesting thing about them is they, like elephants, form a ring around calves (See picture 3). They'll all face horns out to protect young from wolves, grizzly bears and polar bears. On the flip side, this makes them an easy target for humans and our stupid guns.

Picture 4 shows one molting, and Picture 2 just reminds me of something that would go on ''

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