Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Purple Frog.

This purple frog (which lives in the Western Ghats of India) is a pretty bizarre one. Officially discovered in 2003, but known well to locals before then, they have been an intriguing frog for sure. They spend most all year underground, but emerge for only 2 weeks of the year for mating, then return to the ground. Which is why it took so long for science to describe it -- people didn't think to look underground for frogs.

They are also considered to be a living fossil -- an animal that hasn't changed very much in the history of its existence. It is closely related to frogs originally found on the island of Seychelles and Madagascar (when those two and India were attached in one landmass) and seems to have changed very little ever since.

And before watching the video, a reminder that today is your last day to vote for an animal for me to post tomorrow. Right now, the pigeon is winning.

Here's a video of a purple frog:

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