Monday, June 22, 2009


The Gannet family is broken into 3 species -- Northern Gannets, Cape Gannets and Australian Gannets (north atlantic, south africa and australia, respectively). There are a few shared traits about these birds, the first being their colonies. The last picture is actually a picture of thousands of nesting gannets (they always colonize rock cliffs). Chicks learn to fly by jumping off of these cliffs and flying before hopefully hitting the water, so obviously cliffs lend themselves to more injury if failed, but more time to figure out the whole flight thing before it crashes. And being seabirds, there aren't many other opportunities for land to still get the feed they prefer.

A social behavior of theirs that is unique is mating pairs. They pair for several seasons (but not for life) and each time greet each other by raising their bills and tapping them together, like in picture 2. They might remind you of emperor penquins.

Feeding: Perhaps the coolest, and you'll see why in a minute, is their eating behavior. Since they travel in flocks of thousands, it's a spectacle in itself, then add in the fact that they dive into the water at high speeds to catch fish underwater. It's built a relationship with other species also attacking the fish, like dolphins, sharks, etc. that create bait balls.

And now, let's blow your mind:

Finally, a reminder to submit your vote for an animal you think is boring but actually isn't.

1 comment:

  1. They look like paintings in the first two pics.
    also, how cool / terrifying would it be to be on that boat, taking the photos.
